Thursday, April 24, 2008

Trendy Technology

Technology is the new tumor. It's hard to not find someone without a cell phone in hand or headphones coming out of the top of a shirt running straight into the ears. Text messaging and iPods have become everyone's must-haves, and they're becoming one with the students. 

Aside from the ever-popular Facebook, texting has become one of the main means of communication among college students. Whether it's sitting in class to avoid boredom or shooting a quick message without going through the hassle of dialing the phone, students have been racking up the messages.

As of December 2006, 18.5 billion texts are sent every month, and that number has grown by 250 percent every year for the last two years. With the cost of each text averaging around 10 cents per message, it has become imperative for most students to have unlimited plans that allow for 2,000 texts or more a month.

Along with the ever-growing text messages are iPods that have become another essential students can't live without. Some use them to work out; others hook them up in their cars, but most people just like tunes to bop their heads to while walking to and from class. Ranging from one gigabyte to 160 gigabytes and with six stylish new colors, the new iPods have made a great impression with the younger demographics. 

Whether it's a phone in hand or music blaring the eardrums, one thing is for sure - teachers aren't crazy about the new technology that has made a huge impact at Missouri Western. Most professors have policies against both devices because they find them disruptive in class. But then again, they probably have a point. After all, it's kind of hard to pay attention in class while listening t your favorite jams and texting your BFF. L8R!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Trend in a Cup

Maybe it’s because of the increase in student workloads, the decreasing amount of sleep or perhaps it’s just the delicious taste. Either way, however, students all over campus can be seen carrying that ever-popular white cup slipped inside of a cardboard sleeve with a big green circle stamped on the front. That’s right… Starbucks!

As one of the fastest growing coffee chains in the United States, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the oh-so delicious beverage has made it’s way to Missouri Western. Starbucks coffees have definitely defined themselves as an increasing trend at Western, even if the price seems a bit posh.

On average, a coffee drinker would spend about $3.40 per coffee beverage, which some would consider comparable to a gallon of milk. But to coffee-lovers, all that matters is the quick caffeine fix and the addictive taste.

Gone away are the days of the 500-calorie cup. Starbucks recently went Skinny by adding sugar-free syrups that reduce the calories and fat, but not the taste. Also, coffee-goers now have the option to skip the whip, which can save up to 110 calories and 11 grams of fat. So why not indulge a little?

As long as there are ways around destroying your girlish figure and as long as the addiction is worth the price, I say drink that Chai Tea Latté and guzzle down that Mocha Frappuccino. Because everyone else is!