Friday, May 2, 2008

'Going Green' a Growing Trend

It’s hard to go a day without seeing a commercial about bettering the environment or a product in the supermarket that is eco-friendly. With all the talk of global warming and world pollution, it has become clear that ‘going green’ is a rising trend, which is good news for future generations.

One thing television watchers can appreciate is CWTV, a television station that’s main mission, aside from airing our favorite shows, is to promote environmental health. Between programs commercials for recycling can be seen, along with ways to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emission from transportation.

Grocery stores have started selling reusable bags for shopping as an alternative to the everyday, plastic Wal-Mart sack. Florescent light bulbs are put on display in the middle of aisles so customers can easily see them and their benefits to the environment. And on a more local note, Missouri Western has started ‘going green’ too.

Western recently implemented a new recycling program to help cut back on the amount of paper waste. Blue bins have been placed in every department where people can recycle most types of paper rather than just throw it away.

‘Going green’ is a great trend that people can actually be proud of. And for once, our future has something to look forward to: a cleaner earth.

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